MagnaPool® Minerals soften and produce silky, sparking clear pool water that is gentle on skin, eyes and hair. MagnaPool® water provides a sense of relaxation and invigoration so good that we guarantee you’ll never want to swim in anything else.
Reduces the need for many additional chemicals helping to keep your maintenance to a minimal cost. Plus, when diluted*, MagnaPool® backwash can be used for gardening or irrigation to help your plants flourish. *We recommend a dilution of 5 water – 1 backwash water. Please note, you must abide by the local environmental laws regarding backwash water in your area.
MagnaPool® minerals in conjunction with our filtration provides unrivaled water clarity. Your pool will sparkle and have a clarity and depth about it that you will have never seen before. Experience crystal clear water that doesn’t irritate your eyes with MagnaPool®.
After years and years of research and development, the patented blend of magnesium and potassium minerals provides a highly-effective sanitising properties when used as part of a MagnaPool® system. There is no need to add nor is there any added salt (sodium) in a MagnaPool®; our unique blend is unlike anything else available. It is the original and authentic mineral pool.